Characteristics of a good friend according to the Bible

Friendship is an essential part of human relationships. We all need friends to share our joys and sorrows, to encourage us when we are down, and to support us in our journey through life. The Bible has much to say about friendship and instructs on what characteristics to look for in a good friend.

What Makes a Good Friend? A Biblical Perspective


  • Loyalty is a crucial trait of a good friend.
  • Proverbs 17:17 says, A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity.
  • A loyal friend stands by you, even in difficult times, and is committed to your well-being.
  • They are reliable, trustworthy, and faithful in their support and encouragement.


  • Honesty is another important characteristic of a good friend.
  • Proverbs 27:6 states, The wounds of a friend are faithful, although the kisses of an enemy are profuse.
  • A true friend is not afraid to speak the truth, even when difficult or uncomfortable.
  • They will give honest feedback, share constructive criticism, and help you grow and improve.


  • A good friend is someone who encourages and uplifts you.
  • Proverbs 27:9 says, Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart; so does earnest counsel from a man’s friend.
  • A good friend is a source of inspiration, motivation, and support.
  • They help you see the best in yourself, believe in your dreams and goals, and persevere through challenges.


  • Compassion is an essential characteristic of a good friend.
  • Proverbs 17:17 says, A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity.
  • A good friend is someone kind, caring, and empathetic.
  • They are sensitive to your needs, feelings, and struggles, and they offer comfort and support when you are hurting or in need.


  • Forgiveness is a crucial trait of a good friend.
  • Proverbs 17:9 says, He who covers an offense promotes love; but he who repeats a matter separates best friends.
  • A good friend is someone willing to forgive, even when you make mistakes or hurt them unintentionally.
  • They do not hold grudges, and they are quick to extend grace and compassion.

The Bible provides us with guidance on what characteristics we should look for in a good friend. A good friend is loyal, honest, encouraging, compassionate, and forgiving. They stand by us in difficult times, speak the truth, uplift and motivate us, show kindness and empathy, and extend grace and forgiveness when we fall short. As we seek to build and maintain meaningful friendships, let us keep these biblical principles in mind, and strive to be the kind of friend that God calls us to be.

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