What does prodigal son mean?

The story of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous parables in the Bible, found in Luke 15:11-32. It tells the tale of a son who asks for his inheritance early, leaves home, and squanders it all. When a famine arises, he becomes destitute and takes a job feeding pigs. He eventually returns home, asking for forgiveness from his father. But what does the term “prodigal son” really mean, and what lessons can we learn from this story?
The Prodigal Son and the Boundless Grace of God
The word “prodigal” means “wasteful” or “extravagant,” and it is often used to describe someone who wastes money or behaves irresponsibly. In the story of the Prodigal Son, the younger son is certainly guilty of these things. He demands his inheritance before his father’s death, which is essentially like wishing his father were already dead. He then leaves and spends his money on wild living, eventually ending up penniless and hungry.
But the story of the Prodigal Son is not just about a young man who squanders his money. It is also a story about forgiveness, redemption, and the unconditional love of a father. When the son returns home, he is ashamed and expects his father’s rejection. Instead, his dad welcomes him with open arms, throws a feast in his honor, and declares that his lost son has now been found.
This parable offers several important lessons for us today. First and foremost, it reminds us of the boundless love of God. No matter how far we may wander from Him, He is always ready, waiting to welcome us back into His loving embrace.
The story of the Prodigal Son also highlights the importance of forgiveness. The father in the story forgives his son completely, even though he has done nothing to deserve it. This is a powerful reminder that we too should seek to forgive others, even when they have wronged us.
Finally, the story of the Prodigal Son shows us that no matter how lost we may feel, it is never too late to come back to God. Just like the Prodigal Son, we can always turn around and head back home, knowing that our Heavenly Father is waiting for us with open arms.
The Prodigal Son’s Brother: A Representation of Our Struggle with Self-Righteousness.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, there is another character who is often overlooked – the older brother. While most of the attention is focused on the younger son, the older brother also plays an important role in the story.
When the younger son returns home, the father throws a party to celebrate his homecoming. The older brother is not happy about this. He feels that his brother does not deserve to be welcomed back so warmly, especially since he has wasted his inheritance. The older brother is angry and resentful and refuses to join the celebration.
The older brother’s reaction is understandable in many ways. He has been a faithful and obedient son, staying home and working hard while his younger brother was off having fun. He has never received a party in his honor, and he feels that his father is now favoring his younger brother over him.
But the father’s response to the older brother is just as important as his response to the younger son. He tells the older son that everything he has belongs to him and that he has always been with him. He urges him to celebrate with the family and reminds him that his brother was lost and is now found.
The older brother represents those who feel that they have always done the right thing, and are entitled to certain rewards for their behavior. But God’s love and grace are not based on merit or performance. Instead, they are freely given to all who turn to Him, whether they have strayed far from the path or have stayed close to it all their lives.
The parable of the Prodigal Son is a story about love, understanding, forgiveness, and redemption, reminding us of the boundless grace of God and our capacity for repentance and renewal.